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Showing posts from October, 2020


 Bank Statements For Visa Application   A bank statement is an important document most embassies request for when a visa applicant is applying for a visa. You need to convince the embassy that the amount in the account is real and you have the financial capacity to take care of yourself when you visit the country and also that you do not intend to travel and work so as to help in sustaining you over there. Having a sufficient amount is good; you should also make sure the closing balance does not have an outrageous figure or amount. Depending on the class of visa, a considerable amount in your bank statement can still have your visa approved. What matters the most is making sure there is a steady flow of income. Traveling abroad requires money and planning. Saving ahead of time is a good way to raise money to boost your bank statement. When boosting your account, do not stack money into the account close to the period you intend to travel. The embassy will have every reason to deny you